This week we learned about personal learning networks (PLNs) and how they can help teachers discover and share resources and ideas. After reviewing the list of suggested networks compiled by Dr. Langran, I chose to set up a new PLN on Twitter. I am already connected to a few educational groups and teachers through my Instagram account, and I will continue to use and grow that. However, I can see from Dr. Langran's information that Twitter is a very active place for educators to share ideas, and so I would like to try it out.
I set up an account on Twitter for personal use a few years ago but did not end up using it much, so it was easy for me to tweak it for my future endeavors as an educator. I was already following my children's elementary school and my son's third grade teacher, and I decided to follow their school system (and hopefully future employer!), Fairfax County Public Schools, as well. I also took Dr. Langran's advice to follow her, Edutopia, ISTE, AMTE, and NCSS. Finally, I found two new accounts on my own - Kinderchat and Fountas & Pinnell. I am currently a pre-kindergarten teacher and hope to be a kindergarten teacher, so I think Kinderchat will have some good resources for me. Additionally, Fountas and Pinnell have great resources for early literacy, so I chose to follow them as well.
I am already learning from my new PLN! I watched a short video posted by Edutopia today called "How to Respond to Student Outbursts." I have two students in my pre-K class who have frequent, intense emotional outbursts. This video reminded me of concrete ways to help these students and also reassured me because I have been implementing many of these steps already. In my screenshot below, you can see that I "quote tweeted" the Edutopia post and remarked that the strategies in the video remind me of those we use at my preschool from the Conscious Discipline program. I included the Conscious Discipline Twitter handle to link these two resources and show my appreciation to both.